How to CREATE your Life Vision

english Aug 05, 2024

How to CREATE your Life Vision 


Greetings from London!

We are here with Joy and Marilena, who have traveled with me in various work occasions but have never actually seen London as… tourists! So in December, I set the goal of doing a trip with them as… tourists to the popular destination. And here we are! 


So this started first as a vision, as a thought before I started planning it. Which brings me to 

a great question from a Global Academy of Coaching student today: "Jill, how important is it to have a clear vision in my life?"


Think about it this way: When you hop into a cab, do you always tell the driver your destination? Of course, you do! Life is no different. Without a clear vision, you’re just wandering aimlessly. But when you know exactly what you want, it's like setting your GPS. You’ll know right away when something isn’t working for you.


Ready to get clear on what you want in life? You can download the amazing Vision Audio exercise for free, at the link below! It’s a powerful tool to help you define your path and make your dreams a reality.




If you want to make your dreams your reality, I can teach you the way in 4 weeks. My 5th book The 10xPlan is not just another book. It's a powerhouse of proven strategies and expert guidance designed to help you achieve extraordinary growth!



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Looking forward to seeing you thriving my dear friend! 

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